Thursday, February 26, 2009

First signs of SPRING!

I was taking a little stroll around our yard today and look what I found! Could it be that Spring is right around the corner?


Anonymous said...

Tee-Hee!!! Look at you go GIRL!!!

Love your shop!!

Many Hugs to You.......

TeresaM said...

Patti!!! It looks great! I love your background too... it was different this morning!! Just perfect!!!

Patti said...

I am having so much fun creating this blog! Too much fun..not getting a lot done around the house!
Thanks for the nice comments,

Holly Hills Primitives said...

Can't wait to see pictures of your shop! I'll be checking all weekend. Isn't this blogging fun? Also, love to see the signs of spring peeking out of the ground! It's been a LONG winter in Michigan too.