Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Friend Howie

A WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND.....My Dog Howie.....

About 7 years ago, Tim and I were living in New York. One Saturday in February the morning paper was delivered and I was reading through the newspaper and say a picture of a cute dog. He was at the local ASPCA Shelter. I called the Shelter to see if this dog was still there...they said yes..we went to the shelter. We adopted the cute dog and he is the best dog....I named him Howie and he has been my best friend for the last 7 years. Well, he has been acting strange and not eating so I took him to the Vet yesterday and he may have Cancer. He is on pain meds and tomorrow he goes back to the Animal Hospital for some further testing. I am praying for the best and I must say today he seems to be having a good day..he is up and about and wow is he eating! So maybe that is a good sign, I can only hope.
I urge everyone who is looking to get a dog to PLEASE check out your local animal shelters...the dogs there are the most loving and loyal dogs. Your life will never be the same when you rescue a dog..they will be a Forever Friend. Today I found this poem and I want to share it with you.

A Shelter Dog's Poem
Author Unknown

Once upon a time, you see, there was this little pup;
for reasons unbeknownst to me, his family gave him up

Maybe it was chewing everything that he could find,
maybe they were busy and just didn't have the time

They took him to the shelter and they just left him there
Outside, alone, in the cage...shivering and scared

Even though they knew inside, if he went through those doors,
he may never have the chance to find a home like yours

He sat there crying silently wondering what he did
that was so bad that they just had to leave him as they did

However fate was smiling on that little pup that day,
because a lady saw him and she whisked him right away

He got a second chance at life that others may have not
and now he's in a loving home with everything he wants

Everyday he gets that love that he was looking for
And silently is thankful for when she walked through that door

Others may not have this chance so open up your heart
and adopt a shelter dog to take and give him/her a brand new start



The Farmer's Attic said...

We always affectionately called our adopted dogs our pound puppies. And, you're right, they make the best pets.

Hope your Howie doesn't have cancer and just had some kind of bug. They sure do become a part of the family, don't they?


Holly Hills Primitives said...

BEAUTIFUL! My family is BIG on rescue dogs. That poem says it all, Dawn

Unknown said...

I hope the word may have cancer is not have cancer. With all the damp weather my German Shepherd a few years ago got very sick and would not eat..It ended up being a bacteria infection from all the wet ground and all the germs that are harbored in the ground...She is great today. We keep the dogs in the house only to be let out to do there business when the snow starts melting and during the rainy season.....I wipe their paws so they don't lick the germs off them..Lisa

PrimAnnie said...

I hope your dog is going to be okay. They become a part of our family. I have a rat terrier and a minature daschound. When I talk about them I always say the girls. Animals are great companions. They are so forgiving, loving and loyal. Keep us posted.

Ginny said...

Patti, the poem says it all. While Les & I don't have a shelter dog we do have shelter cats, 2 sisters, we will always have shelter animals, hope Howie will be up and around soon.

Susan said...

Patti - lots of prayers coming for Howie - he's such a handsome boy. I hope that he continues to improve and doesn't have cancer.


lillie mae acres said...

A beautiful post, pics of Howie, and poem. I sure hope he gets better and it's something minor.

LoveThePrimLook said...

God Bless ya and many prayers coming your way.

Hugs, Angie

Beryl said...

Hi Patti, hope Howie gets a good report. Our dog is a rescue but not from the shelter, someone threw her out along the side of the road when she was a puppy. My brother-in-law found her. She is the sweetest dog and we have her spoiled rotten, Roxy is her name...Beryl

Christina said...

I am the biggest dog lover in the world, I have 5 babies myself, 3 are rescues...I pray your baby doesn't have cancer and if he does the Lord will heal him. He is such a sweet doggy and he has hit the People Jackpot when he found you! Thanks for sharing!

Patti said...

Thank you all for your messages and well wishes. I just got the call from the Doc and Howie does have CA. I will pick him up this afternoon and then I will talk more with the Doctor.I feel so sad right now.